
I'm Baaaaack...

Hopefully it hasn't gone unnoticed that I've pretty much fell off the face of the map here in the blog world. These past few weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions, events, and enlightenment.
[Yeah, in that order.]

I have so much to write about and I have no idea where to even start.

If you followed me before you know that I was a Realtor and a bartender last time I posted. Since then I've dropped both of those jobs and have two more; one part time, one full time..in addition to starting my own business.
[A post for a different day].

Real Estate at the end of the day just wasn't for me.

I ended up just bartending and I was okay with that for awhile, but not knowing how much you'll make every day is stressful and nerve racking.

After our 2nd anniversary in July, we came back from NYC and I was feeling down. I decided to walk to our local coffee shop to work on my resume and cover letter. When I got there I noticed a sign on the window that said help wanted. It wasn't exactly what I was looking for, but it was in walking distance and was semi-steady. It was only paying minimum wage plus tips, but the environment was really cool too. As I ordered my drink I asked about the position, ended up filling out a resume, and having an interview within the next 20 minutes. I will say one thing, I've never had any problems in finding at least some kind of job.

I am now proud to say I'm an optician again. It's a job I worked before, but this time I'm working at a local Veteran's Hospital. It is beyond gratifying and in the past weeks has had me revisiting a career I once thought of persuing...Optometry. More specifically, I would like to be an O.D. (Doctor of Optometry) specializing in geriatrics. My goal of course would be to work within the VA Hospital.

This would mean A LOT more schooling (at the very least 6 years), but I really think this is something I could be good at and would thoroughly enjoy. The most difficult will be that Josh and I are doing this all backwards, well not really backwards just not the "normal" way. We will probably have to spend large amounts of time apart, but in the end we would both have good jobs, a place to call home, and by then truly be ready to become parents. It would better ours and our future familys lives. What's the downside to that? I would be "away" for approximately 4 years, but what's four years in the grand scheme of things?

Call me crazy, but I'll soon be looking at if I should continue my business degree and add on the prequisites needed (this would allow me to stand out amoungst other hopeful optometry students) or if I should just change my degree to biology; where my prerequistes would be included in my course load. Decisions, decisions.

Either way I'm almost completely sure this is what I want to work towards.

Any thoughts or advice? I'm all ears. =)

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